Final Project Synopsis: Rita Bole v Stonehenge
For our final project Nick and myself will be doing a piece on what it is like to live in Rita Bole. Living in Rita Bole is very different comparative to living in the Stonehenge resident halls.
We will show what Rita Bole has to offer as far as what the dorm rooms are like and what extra utilities students get by living there. We will then show a suite in a Stonehenge dorm to show how it compares to a Rita Bole suite.
For the Rita Bole suite we will be interviewing friends of ours, Zach Rodrigues, Matt Drew, Duffy Webster, and Jeremy Holden, to get their take on living in Rita Bole and what they do not like about it and what they do like about it.
For the comparative aspect to Stonehenge we will be interviewing our friend John John who has a room in the Stonehenge dorms, and who also spends a lot of time in the afore mentioned people’s suite, to get his spin on what it is like to live in the Stonehenge dorms and what he thinks is better.
Finally we will interview an RA to get him/her to get their take on what it is like to do rounds in Rita Bole compared to the Stonehenge dorms.
We will incorporate still pictures as well as video to tell the story. Adam will do the shooting, Nick will do the reporting, and we both will do the editing.
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